Livewire Podcast Validator v0.9.15

Local fetch succeeded (CORS enabled)
Found one episode in a 3.38kb feed
Took 89ms (fetch=62ms, read=1ms, parse=8ms, validate=5ms)
Feed structure
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The Curb
The Curb by Blume TV is your weekly wrap-up, catching you up on the leading news stories of the week, and what to look for in the week ahead. A straight from the edge, no-holds-barred talk into the other side of the story, usually stuff often left unsaid. So check out Blume TV’s must-listen podcast on the Blume Podcast Network, enjoy " The Curb" by Blume TV.
The Curb
Anchor Podcasts
Sat, 08 Mar 2025 08:22:18 GMT
<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"> #1
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Blume Podcast Network
Blume Podcast Network
Blume Podcast Network
The Curb by Blume TV is your weekly wrap-up, catching you up on the leading news stories of the week, and what to look for in the week ahead. A straight from the edge, no-holds-barred talk into the other side of the story, usually stuff often left unsaid. So check out Blume TV’s must-listen podcast on the Blume Podcast Network, enjoy " The Curb" by Blume TV.
Blume Podcast Network
<itunes:category text="Society &amp; Culture">
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<p>This episode introduces the audience to our host and what Riot &amp; Ruckus is all about.&nbsp;</p>
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Blume Podcast Network
Wed, 18 Mar 2020 22:38:25 GMT
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<p>This episode introduces the audience to our host and what Riot &amp; Ruckus is all about.&nbsp;</p>
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